Hello Family and Friends:
Well, I've been in Guatemala for 6 months now and sickness finally got me.
Two Saturdays ago I started having stomach problems, I didn't have the desire to eat at all and I threw up a couple of times, but I didn't want to bother the nurse so I tried curing myself, drinking a lot of water and the lady that does our laundry tried giving me homemade remedies and gave me a stomach massage apparently to help with indigestion she also gave me mineral water with alka zeltzer, I actually felt better, I also asked for a priesthood blessing and my Zone leaders gave it to me.
I felt good for a few days but then this past weekend, I started getting an upset stomach again, but no throwing up or anything just pain, so Hermana Bake (missionary couple here in peten) told me to drink maizena (corn starch) she said that helps clean out the digestive track and stomach so I've been taking that, and now I feel a lot better, things are back to normal (I think) haha.
Hermana Blanca was gone last week, so we had to fend for ourselves again hahaha but since I never really was hungry I hardly ate, which worked out for me (Hermana Blancla is the member that feeds them every day) Hermana Blanca came back yesterday and that makes us SUPER happy because she is the best, she is like our mom here on the mission.
Now for my Spiritual experiences smile emoticon so we had a miracle last week, last sunday my comp. and I felt prompted to talk to this woman and her daughter and after chatting with them we got their information and made an appointment to visit them, she was very receptive, she is very familiar with the church and had even gone a couple of times because her daughter was a member (but had passed away a few years ago) Now the funny thing is that not long ago I was reviewing the area book and I had seen the name of this lady which actually caught my attention thinking that I wanted to go visit her and the irony is that without actually looking for her we found her and that's when we were impressed to go talk to her so I strongly feel that we were meant to meet her. My companion and I were Amazed, It was crazy!!. A week later we went back to see her, her name is Marta, we talked for a while and told us it wasn't a coincidence that we went to talk to her, and that the Lord has always put missionaries in her path, we were shocked, then I shared my experience with her on what happened, that I had an interest to find her and how the Lord helped me and she totally agreed! we invited her to be baptized and she said yes, her daughter also really wants to go to church. This was truly a miracle and an amazing experience, I could really see the hand of the Lord helping us out, and preparing the people to be ready. I will never forget this moment, the only sad pàrt is is that transfers are soon coming in two more weeks and I don't know if I will still be here to see her get baptized, I feel my time in San Benito is coming to an end, but I hopefully pray that I can at least stay one more transfer because this is something really special for me. But we will see what the plans of the Lord are. Another thing, Elder Morales a 70 came here to san benito again, and we had a conference with him, it was really great! I learned a lot of things, and gave me a lot more motivation to keep being diligent and work even harder, the Lord is accelerating the work here and the members are going to be more involved, and we as missionaries now have a lot more responsibility but it will be good, because all this is for the benefit that san benito becomes a stake. So that made my week go better. This is the last week of Hermana perez training and then the last two weeks will be normal missionary schedule, we'll get to leave before lunch this time! smile emoticon haha
Today for pday we went to las arcas and petencito, its a zoo/ habitat reserve i believe, it was really cool, there werent a whole lot of different animals but the ones that were there were still cool, jaguars, birds, MONKEYS, crocodiles, fuzzy turtles, deer, a 3 legged jaguar. It was neat, also there was uncaged monkeys just walking around, i got to pet it, and it followed us for a bit, it was super cool. it was a fun experience, and i believe soon we might go to tikal! because this month we completed are goal and a little more of baptisms, so fingers crossed!!
Today for pday we went to las arcas and petencito, its a zoo/ habitat reserve i believe, it was really cool, there werent a whole lot of different animals but the ones that were there were still cool, jaguars, birds, MONKEYS, crocodiles, fuzzy turtles, deer, a 3 legged jaguar. It was neat, also there was uncaged monkeys just walking around, i got to pet it, and it followed us for a bit, it was super cool. it was a fun experience, and i believe soon we might go to tikal! because this month we completed are goal and a little more of baptisms, so fingers crossed!!
I haven't had any problems with dogs, a lot of the dogs here are pretty calm, they never bother me.
Well that was my week, more to tell for the following, stay tuned! hahaha