Okay where do i begin? Last week was pretty good!
We have this golden family that i love so much! We watched together forever and they really enjoyed it, hopefully it gives them a desire to get married but they are moving areas, which was sad to hear, they are having troubles with their land lord, but they don't want other missionaries teaching them they want to continue the lessons with us, so we are going to teach them at a members house in our area that is helping us work with them. (ugh right now i am having technical difficulties and it sucks!) I can't write too much detail because I'm having problems so I will talk about the main stuff.
I had my first baptism this weekend!!!! aaaaahhhh!! it was so exciting! Her name is Marjorie Ramos, she is 24, she is bien pilas! i love her! When she got baptized i just had so much joy and happiness, it was wonderful! and one of our investigators we have been teaching named carmen moreno showed up, without a reminder!! we were so happy to see her come, she said the service was beautiful. Oh yeah I gave a special musical number, I had to sing...solo... (I'm not one for singing solos in front of people) but marjorie wanted me too and in english, so i sang If you could hie to Kolob. Everyone loved it and said i had a good voice.... well i guess i will have to develop a new talent haha Marjories boyfriend named Nefi is a member and a returned missionary, in a year they could get married. (she didnt get baptized for him, in fact she didnt even tell him until this last week haha, she has a good testimony) she also already has a calling, she is secretary of the RS. Man this baptism gave me the fuel to keep on working even harder now and try to bring more souls closer to Christ! We are teaching a jovencita name Marleni and her brother, she has already received an answer about the church just needs to get baptized. Apparently this sunday her brother said that he wants to get baptized so that he can go to the temple, that was a surprise to us, because he hasn't really been around for our lessons, but we will see whats up, another miracle hopefully! On sunday our investigators came to church and enjoyed it.
I'm just praying that i can stay for another transfer here with my comp. That's all I want, because we are having some good progress and don't want to loose our work. This morning for p-day we cleaned the apartment, like really cleaned it, i cleaned the bathroom and did my work out in there haha i scrubbed the shower like nobodies business, cleaned the sink and toilette, our bathroom smells clean and looks a lot better! Im proud of myself haha but the water shut off so i couldnt take a shower, second time this happened! but we somehow were able to fill a bucket of water,so i managed to clean myself with wipes (again) and wash my hair. Life in Guatemala love it!!!
So far haven't eaten anything weird, tried liver the other week, too meaty, the members are great and very helpful. I have been able to implement my ideas, which is nice.
Doing my best here!
Oh yeah before i forget, i have an assignment for you mom, can you send me more names of your family, like more a genealogy tree past great great grandparents i want to know the names, so i can keep my eyes peeled when I'm contacting here, maybe i can find more family!
Well that's all for now, hopefully I can wirite more next time and not be so rushed!
Love you guys muchisimo!!! mwah mwah! I will send pics next week couldnt this week, because ran out of time... triste, but Love ya family!!
We have this golden family that i love so much! We watched together forever and they really enjoyed it, hopefully it gives them a desire to get married but they are moving areas, which was sad to hear, they are having troubles with their land lord, but they don't want other missionaries teaching them they want to continue the lessons with us, so we are going to teach them at a members house in our area that is helping us work with them. (ugh right now i am having technical difficulties and it sucks!) I can't write too much detail because I'm having problems so I will talk about the main stuff.
I had my first baptism this weekend!!!! aaaaahhhh!! it was so exciting! Her name is Marjorie Ramos, she is 24, she is bien pilas! i love her! When she got baptized i just had so much joy and happiness, it was wonderful! and one of our investigators we have been teaching named carmen moreno showed up, without a reminder!! we were so happy to see her come, she said the service was beautiful. Oh yeah I gave a special musical number, I had to sing...solo... (I'm not one for singing solos in front of people) but marjorie wanted me too and in english, so i sang If you could hie to Kolob. Everyone loved it and said i had a good voice.... well i guess i will have to develop a new talent haha Marjories boyfriend named Nefi is a member and a returned missionary, in a year they could get married. (she didnt get baptized for him, in fact she didnt even tell him until this last week haha, she has a good testimony) she also already has a calling, she is secretary of the RS. Man this baptism gave me the fuel to keep on working even harder now and try to bring more souls closer to Christ! We are teaching a jovencita name Marleni and her brother, she has already received an answer about the church just needs to get baptized. Apparently this sunday her brother said that he wants to get baptized so that he can go to the temple, that was a surprise to us, because he hasn't really been around for our lessons, but we will see whats up, another miracle hopefully! On sunday our investigators came to church and enjoyed it.
I'm just praying that i can stay for another transfer here with my comp. That's all I want, because we are having some good progress and don't want to loose our work. This morning for p-day we cleaned the apartment, like really cleaned it, i cleaned the bathroom and did my work out in there haha i scrubbed the shower like nobodies business, cleaned the sink and toilette, our bathroom smells clean and looks a lot better! Im proud of myself haha but the water shut off so i couldnt take a shower, second time this happened! but we somehow were able to fill a bucket of water,so i managed to clean myself with wipes (again) and wash my hair. Life in Guatemala love it!!!
So far haven't eaten anything weird, tried liver the other week, too meaty, the members are great and very helpful. I have been able to implement my ideas, which is nice.
Doing my best here!
Oh yeah before i forget, i have an assignment for you mom, can you send me more names of your family, like more a genealogy tree past great great grandparents i want to know the names, so i can keep my eyes peeled when I'm contacting here, maybe i can find more family!
Well that's all for now, hopefully I can wirite more next time and not be so rushed!
Love you guys muchisimo!!! mwah mwah! I will send pics next week couldnt this week, because ran out of time... triste, but Love ya family!!
Hermana Riley